Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bunion Surgery High Heels

For those who insult ..

Anyone who sees this chaos, these insults, these attacks , demonstrated that anger towards the people that, whatever the truth, however, working to make a service to others, can not be misled into thinking there is some truth in that. If it was someone

to support a site dedicated to the Great God of all will come to earth in 2011 Nutella Nutella bringing to all peoples, I think anyone would dare to criticize, insult, or ridicule. Nor to open a site only to criticize the champion of the divinity of Nutella. At best, some visitors might do some ironic comment and would end them.
There are many sites that claim preposterous argument, or are regarded as such.
comes from the question to those who deal with these issues.

But before we make some considerations of a psychological nature. A balanced person
rarely lashes out violently against someone or something.
Lunged violent, hate and have feelings strong, is an indication of a problem, is an indication that the person feels affected in vivo.
It 's a basic rule of psychology.
If approached a black person and say "nigger" have a good chance of being inflated barrel, but if you say the "Martian dirt" that you will look with disdain.
If approached a Sicilian mafioso and say "shaman in the Amazon forest," probably you will look with amazement, thinking that you have a screw out of place, but if you say "queer" have a good chance of not seeing the sunrise the next day because some places, homosexuality is a problem.
In practice, when you talk to a person and criticized the fact that it is almost always angry (a few rare exceptions) clue that you have got it right and you have found a weak point.
The anger and hatred that always starts with something that touches us deeply.

Next, consider another factor. Spend too much time to go "against" something, means you have some personality disorder, unless the phenomenon against which we have scale importance. Being against the war has meaning because it is an evil that invests the company, to be against poverty as well ... But being "against" the phenomena that are safe and not marginal normal. In fact, if a person were to waste time to insult all the people who say something that does not agree, and if it should create a site against all that is bothering him, it would take a day to 240 hours ... I should create such a site against the great brother, against a Maurizio Costanzo, one against Berlusconi, against a Sanremo, an anti-frying because it hurts and then I spend my time to provoke, insult and challenge sites Satanists, Masonic sites, sites and frivolous fashion, Forza Italy sites, sites antibuddisti, Catholic sites, forums of various newspapers ... enslaved to the system, etc. That is not live anymore.

So, those who spend too much time to a phenomenon have some disease or, in most cases, they are paid specifically to disrupt and prevent the real disscussion on certain issues.

The attitude of those who rail against our ideas for a third reason is stupid. E 'logical fact that all those who seek to inform people on seigniorage, chemtrails, etc. would be pleased to know that sbagliano.Perché would mean that the world is better as we see it.
So it is obvious that we and others, rightly or wrongly, we believe that something useful for society.
Then hurl against us does not make sense because one of two things: Either we
in error, and then you should explain calmly and with convincing arguments, in which case then we would all be happy to be in error. Wrong to think that we should first of all a reaction of relief. And secondly, just make do, because our work wrecked by itself, without so much effort on the part of outsiders.
Or we are right.
In any case, the attitude of anger, insults and other reactions decomposed, co mpresa censorship impededendo or delaying the realization of truth, is detrimental to all.
I can say one thing .. I've always been interested in little chemtrails, seigniorage and occult power, but I understand, however, various reactions against such idiotic situations that are true.
I take a phrase that I heard long ago by Charles Palermo: "threaten me, so I'm on the right track." The
overreact against us, so that they even created a website dedicated, indicates that we are on track.

And the system can not let the truth be known. The reader might say: "Wow ... and if it were true? They are trouble for me ... "
is why the violence of the attacks against those who deal with these problems.
The system must act quickly and immediately, because it can not afford that the matter be known.

Some final thoughts on the Internet and on the "system" in which we live.
Many privately and asked me to remove comments to post insults.
In fact I preferred to leave them for a reason that I explain.
Virtual reality, Internet, repeats the same mechanisms of physical reality and physics. There are two differences recently. The first is that in virtual reality there are big dangers. If you threaten, attack you, disturb you, all this takes place only through words and pictures, that is the case with the use of instruments that can not really hurt us. Just turn off the PC and the insults fade away, the threats do not exist. Most of the damage they may cause could be the closure of a forum or a blog (which would reopen elsewhere.) But life goes on as usual.
In physical reality, instead, you can kill, remove material goods, destroy relationships with the people you love, that is to create real difficulties.
The second difference is the speed with which the phenomena on the web are born and die. Human relations, organizations and other initiatives that may arise on the network, they often come in faster and faster in destroying or being destroyed.
For the rest, however, virtual reality, follows the pattern of physical reality. Relationships are born and die, you are angry, we allow ourselves to attract the people, we feel more or less peaceful depending of a word right or wrong, we learn, grow, evolve, change your mind, we hate, we fight, making friends ...
The so-called "hidden powers" and the secret services, act on websites in the same manner with which they act in physical reality, with The difference is that there are dangers on the internet and everything is faster. Be aware of how these powers work on the web, can give a measure of how well they work in reality.
The truth is that nobody wastes much time and energy for something that does not share. Unless he has a personal interest in the matter. Unless, that is, is not paid by the system.

then I leave you to post the uncensored anyone who has time and desire to go and analyze it, and have, on the Web, a kind of pattern of the work of these powers in any other field.
The techniques used are the same and both were analyzed by Massimo Mazzucco in a recent article entitled "Operational Manual dell'acchiappadebunker" if you know the fight: news / article.php? storyid = 3121
both Antonella Randazzo in another article titled "Automation of attack tested", to which I refer: false-dispute-controllers-allattacco.html

Who has the patience to read will draw attention with all the interesting ideas and will test the practical application of operational techniques mentioned by Mazzucco. The link is this:

should take the events of the web as a kind of virtual game, in which, fortunately, no one dies and no one has physical issues, reminding readers and who is the object of attack that "words have no power over us, unless we give it to us."


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