Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kates Playground Breast Bra


Question of the viewer ... why NATO aircraft flying over us over the head with chemtrails releasing heavy metals and barium?

Di Pietro: (...) With reference to the issue of air there is a problem even more complex, and our space, but not limited to our space, our marine and terrestrial sites are still occupied (Soru is doing a great battle) are occupied by non-Italian military realities. Now, there must be stationed in the territory of the world place of storage, accumulation and retention, for the love of God, but that this should be done even without the involvement, in Italy we do not even know if and how many nukes we have.

Or you can watch this short video (especially the first part) where you see the aircraft with the wake after wandering routes cyclical, curved, zig zag, the risk of colliding with other aircraft "scianti" for those who want to deepen video evidence of the strange behavior of aircraft that can not be certain passenger jets provide links to a selection of films.

I also remember that planes do not fly passengers horizontally at low altitude, but flying normally about 9 / 10 km altitude where the air is thinner and consumes much less fuel to fly, and that passenger planes can not fly in pairs or trios, or other formations as they do military aircraft. These aircraft instead of following the trail they do, and do not need a degree in science to notice, just consistency in observation with the naked eye or with binoculars.

And this is one of the most important things to remember: do not need scientific expertise for evidence of the existence of chemtrails, but it serves the will, perseverance and determination to detect all these and other anomalies. Of course those who live in camps watch the sky as clerk, and there is an association of farmers in Spain English (AVIMON) struggle against chemtrails (which according to their observations are used to dissolve the clouds that bring rain causing damage as agriculture).

Another thing that can occur without any scientific tool is the frequency of flights and their irregularity: it seems natural that the number of aircraft that pass over your head, changing dramatically from day to day? That some days you see and hear the planes only at night? That on certain days after a few steps you see and hear aircraft daytime air each 5 minutes? If you then

procuraste binoculars you could clearly see (especially when the planes fly lower) that often wakes not coming from the engine (as our leaders continue to say) and therefore it is not water vapor, but we are spraying something on him.

This is what you can see for yourself what is reported and some municipalities of Emilia Romagna. In the communes of Savignano sul Rubicon Sant'Arcangelo in Romagna and in fact the city councilors from all parties voted unanimously for a motion to terminate the existence and dangers of chemtrails, take action informed citizenship. They're all crazy? So foolish as to implement some sort of "political suicide"? No, just tell the truth, tell what they saw with his telescope or binoculars, and apparently are supported by a good part of citizenship. For more details on this story and watch the local press reported that this motion see this link.

In that document refers to analysis made by the CNR in 2005 that showed a relapse to the ground (in the rain next to chemical sprays) of quartz, titanium oxide, aluminum, barium salts, although many biologists, doctors and other scientists who studied with the finest instruments that that is sprayed into the sky found parasites, infectious agents, genetically modified and engineered structures filamentous silicon-based, that have the ability to interact dangerously with the DNA, or the so-called "smart dust" used for military purposes by the U.S. in recent wars in the Middle East.

It is therefore a mixture of substances dangerous for human health, terrestrial biosphere, to traditional agriculture, the bees (which are also disappearing because of the chemtrails).

in this article I will not dwell on the evidence of the existence of chemtrails since I've dealt with elsewhere (who wanted to deepen the topic can check out my long and detailed multimedia file) because the existence of chemtrails is a historical reality, since experiments were carried out with the spread of chemical and biological agents dispersed on unwitting civilian population (used like a human guinea pigs) in the USA and in Britain, where a few years ago the Ministry of Defence has admitted the contamination of millions of their fellow citizens over 40 years of these trials, and that "in the course of the experiments is not our practice to discuss" .

Perhaps someone still finds it hard to understand that we see those white trails behind the aircraft are all chemtrails, or deliberate dissemination of biological and chemical contaminants to the manipulation thesis also climate (certainly not in the sense of improved weather conditions in view of the disasters of the last two months that only in Italy have resulted in at least 6 deaths).

And then we read what is written on page 11 of an old text The physics of particles Kenneth W. Ford (1965 original version, the fifth version of 1980, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan): "When a jet goes high in the sky, is formed in its wake a cloud of ice crystals clearly visible, even if you can not see the 'unit. It is indeed a lucky man for that smaller objects that he knows something, the tiny scale of matter and energy that he called elementary particles behave roughly in the same way. "

fact, contrails, the admission of the same people who deny chemtrails, can be formed only at high altitude ( over at least 7 to 8 km altitude), but there are several ways to check that the odds of these aircraft overflight sprayers are much lower. This is why someone has gone to great lengths to ensure that our enemy against the Italian committee tanker trails no chemical's development of a laser range finder, a tool that gave us the final confirmation of the low flight altitudes of the aircraft (another thing to have happened with several other methods).

I I confess that it took me a few months to understand it in depth, because I thought (or hoped) that even some of the trails we see so often in our sky were the contrails of water vapor. A real contrail is a very rare phenomenon, so rare that years ago (before the appearance of chemtrails) was used to make a wish when she was seen in the sky. Moreover, there seems that wherever you are you can pass air over her head? Do not you know that there are well-defined air corridors along which the planes flying civilians? So how come if you go to a country that is 15 km away from your still see and hear planes and trails? And if you travel 15 km more of the same old story. And how come every Once you move you see planes that cross in every direction? How do you think are the intersections of airways? We want to exaggerate by saying that they are 2 for the region? Yet you move from country to country and you are always under a continuous breeding of aircraft wake and having a great time passing by every possible direction.

Maybe someone will be surprised realizing how vast, complex, violent this horrible plan of poisoning, or maybe you wonder how many of its actuators, while believing at the moment of obtaining a profit for themselves and their families, in fact are digging the grave themselves endangering the lives of millions of people. But it should be a surprise that lasts a short time, if you remember how the world wars have been manipulated from the start, and how the real causes of these wars were not the will to domination of one nation over another, but the realization of a plan that tends to divide to rule, to make money by selling weapons to crush the world under a cloak of fear and violence, which in turn makes it more effective the domain (although in reality it seems there are other purposes referred would be long and hard to talk about here).

Writing an article for this blog as I feel no need to mention the real power is exercised through a network conspiracy overwhelming work in the world with an unprecedented level of violence with no respect for the lives of men, women and children (who were not a regular reader of the blog of Paolo Franceschetti remember that I have outlined the framework for this network conspiracy, revealing the tangible reality, the last part of my file on Chemtrails)

2 - The purpose of spraying chemical and biological

At this point we try to understand (for further delaying the already mentioned dossier or site where there are nearly a thousand articles on various aspects of the question) what are the purpose of these trails and their exact composition, based on all the evidence so far available.

But you can not explore this aspect without reference to the forest of antennas for mobile phones (even if they want us to believe that they serve to their mobile phones) that are popping up literally like mushrooms that work in synergy with the chemtrails and that definitely need to change the climate (just look at the manner in which the clouds in the sky appear artificially modified, often unnaturally sinusoidally modulated or "combed" as unnaturally assume strange geometric formations).

HAARP station in Alaska in particular is a huge forest of antennas that can send rays from the moon to search the basement, but that could also direct their emissions to the ionosphere alter the climate or down into the mantle to generate earthquakes. All these antennas must be very likely to issue signals to control minds, one of the many exotic weapons that an elected official of the United States, Dennis Kucinich, he wanted to ban together to chemtrails and the tectonic weapons (weapons to create earthquakes, neither more nor less) presenting his bill The Space Preservation Act of 2001 [Act for the preservation of the area, NdT], HR 2977, presented at the 107th U.S. Congress.

Having said this, the first thing you notice is the saturation of the atmosphere (and also some region of space closer to our planet) with aluminum, barium and other substances. All of these substances (which will slowly fall to the ground water and contaminate the food we eat) are functional for the following purposes: #
greater functionality of radar systems (essentially important application in the military) with three-dimensional view of field, the possibility of observation beyond the horizon, the possibility of probing the subsurface, maximum functionality of the system
# HAARP can transform the atmosphere and space in an electro-plasma, which allows operation of futuristic weapons and powerful, lightning-like man who can hit and literally disintegrate any purpose (especially aircraft), the ability to generate three-dimensional visual illusions (holographic) and sonorous
# creating an artificial form of metallic screen which allows a better operation of the antenna system of the HAARP project (and of all antennas hidden related) are advantaged in this way the possibility of climatic manipulations and conduction of electromagnetic signals that affect the human psyche (mental manipulation, artificial induction of mood)

The second thing is the dispersion of biological agents or infectious agents some of which are obtained with techniques of bio-engineering and studied for biological warfare, as well as parasites, pesticides and other poisons. Those few scientists (Carnicom, Pattera, Staninger, Scott Castle, Wymore) who had the courage to take matters into air and water analyzing the fallout after the rain, found in chemtrails the presence of aluminum, barium, quartz, cobalt, manganese, silicon, thorium, arsenic, lead, mercury, uranium, zinc, strontium, copper, selenium, titanium, phosphorus, lithium, sulfur, calcium, ethylene dibromide (a pesticide banned since it is considered a carcinogen), acelticolina chloride, bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria, Serratia marcescens bacteria, Streptomyces, viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi, mold, parasites, nematodes (or worms), dried blood cells, sedative substances, fibers, polymers. Are therefore also substances that can directly affect human behavior such as lithium or certain sedatives (drugs), a pesticide whose use was banned for some time and that certainly contributes to the memory of bees, sulfur (mainly as sulfur hexafluoride) that can fuel fires, especially in summer.

This reproach can be interpreted in terms of a clear and specific intent to ruin the traditional crops, reduce the efficiency of agricultural land, cause a food crisis, pushing Farmers use GM seeds (remedy worse than the damage), create environmental disasters, to poverty reduction entire geographic regions, all in conjunction with the creation of an economic crisis artificially induced by a banking system that robs us daily practice seigniorage.

Why should not it? The Masters of the World have done worse by artificially creating the world's recent conflicts causing the horrible death of hundreds of millions of people. Why should not they do that too will finally have the means?

The world wars and the financial crisis of 1929 have served their insane plans of domination, creating at the end of the second war in a world the threat of nuclear war, with the explicit dictatorship of socialism beyond the Iron Curtain and the implied warranties on this side, while at the same time a third world population and poor (with hundreds of millions of undernourished people) was (and is still today) continuous theater of war fueled by richer countries. And every crisis, every war, who controlled the international finance (we are talking about the likes of Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan) has increased its power and wealth, acquiring companies, engulfing banks, increasingly branching out its review occult within the institutions.

Who has eyes to see recognize a pattern of abuse of violence incredible that there has always been. How can we forget or pretend not to see those 3,000 children who die of hunger every day when it would be enough to save allocated to them a part of the costs of war, or a portion of the grain to our livestock data (also reducing the consumption of meat in our high-protein diet enough to eliminate the problem of hunger). How can we forget that our world leaders meet and discuss "plans to help the third world" that invariably do not work because no one wants to undermine the root causes of poverty (neo-colonialism, economic subordination, domestic debt, the IMF perverse strategies)?

I left for the last brief discussion of the fibers based on silicon that have been observed in the electron microscope by Dr. Staninger and were all too similar to the filaments protruding from the body of people suffering from Morgellons disease, a horrible disease in the tremendous expansion in the U.S.. It is a disease for years denied and kept secret by the U.S. federal health agencies, but recently recognized as a real pathology by the federal CDC (Centers for Disease Control, or the Centers for Disease Control). It should be remembered that the U.S. aerial spraying began almost 10 years earlier than in Europe.

These nanoscopic structures are a hybrid of high-tech materials and high technology in the field of manipulation organic fibers as incorporate some typical structures of living organisms such as ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the molecule that serves to "energize" the cells) are able to self-aggregate, to receive energy from some radiation bright, to replicate the DNA, likely to change (note that the introduction of GMOs in certain genes could be studied because of such food, once in the human body, reported such changes in our DNA).

Chemtrails appear to be a versatile tool that has several goals, but maybe the spread of nanofibers (the so-called smart dust or smart dust, already used in the scenarios of war in Afghanistan and Iraq) in the air, water and food we eat (and thus accumulate in our bodies weaken) are one of the main objectives of the evil plan (it's easy to see how many Sometimes the spray planes are suspended from the tank just beyond the inhabited areas). The spread of these sensors is a permissible purpose by a number of documents declassified in part U.S. Air Force, although it is not yet clear what will be in the future the results of this maneuver. Certainly we know that these nanofibers have sensory function of espionage, but perhaps these microscopic structures can also alter perceptions and behavior of human beings (perhaps in synergy with certain frequencies radiated in the air)? Our leaders are perhaps realizing the dream of any slave, or to have subjected itself to a multitude of slaves with invisible chains?

end this long dissertation by saying that to me a hope for the future of mankind there can be only if we all commit ourselves not only in the sense of the complaint but also on a personal evolution and spiritual growth: We need to recognize genuinely as a world of people spiritually and fraternally united erasing hatred, misunderstanding, intolerance, from the soul each of us. In the face of the immense destruction that is upon us we should forget the grievances that divide us and to rediscover a sense of respect and love for all fellow human beings and every living creature (without prejudice to the deep contempt for those who contribute to the achievement of some evil plans).

Paolo Franceschetti


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