Monday, January 11, 2010


Each of us ..

No one can suggest a way forward, you do not follow anyone, but will be followed.
You always shared your lives with a soul mate who was sometimes your wife, sister sometimes sometimes mother.
Continuing to the present, have often given up because of iniquity land at the junction of the nations, but also when you have only the purest wife decided to follow up and was the thickness of your love.
Whether in solitude, whether they marry you, you can not be less holy of who you are, in virtue of what you are.
There is no effort in creating.
If you say this is, this is how we are created only by the mercy of the Word who is none other than the Son.

Everything you want is .. Even if you still do not know.
Like when birds made of clay and holding hands, blowing, making them fly.
And even then, you know .. Why was Saturday and fabbricasti twelve.

What you fear? That your
parents disapprove? You
himself once said: "No child is sensible, if his father instructs him not according to doctrine, so the disapproval of a father does not harm any child, if that does not behave badly."

Where is the fear?
That whoever believes in science you have put the lie?
You yourself said: "All the things that you say should be observed by those who follow the doctrine of men. Who says the laws and they have learned, also remains in law. But I existed before the law. And I was with you and do not know me and I spoke with the wise but you do not understand. " What themes

They already saw you. While they discussed one of them turned to the other and said, "You do not know who he is but I do, I knew him before. It 'the same one that made us fall is the persecutor and knows our arts. " And with that scattered in all directions to warn people who among them could hear.

Always have respect for the teachers but do not be afraid, because you can not have because they teach what they received them, but do not know the meaning of names.
Yourself to your teacher who strikes you said: "he who has been struck can teach him that he struck the things it says. Who repeats what he hears is blind! He is not aware of what that expresses the sound. Each letter, dall'aleph the tau is distinguished by its shape. So tell me what they mean! "

not worry about not being able to distinguish men because you are able to do so. A blind man and a man who can see, they look the same in darkness, but when she sees the light see the light and the blind will remain in darkness.

I tell you .. Blessed you who were, before coming to the World. Why who you are, you were and you will be.
If someone falls into the water and comes out without having received anything and says he is a faith, he has appropriated that name, but who receives the gift has the spirit of the name. This is why no matter how you are but who you are.

If the Angel image are joined together can be divided any approach him. Do not worry about what is unclean .. This is the concern of the believer. For those who have no spirit unclean spirits that can come together to him, while they remain in this state and in any case essendoti high above the desires, the keys of death and fear, not knowing the jealousy and nothing will ever have a trace of have on your mind and your body. Every scar has healed and can be of any wound inflicted, or by what looks bad, nor by what looks good.

Spirit comes into existence from the water, from heat and light. The fire is the chrism and the light is the fire whose form is white. The truth is not coming into the world naked, but through symbols and images. Nobody will get in any other way. There is a picture of regeneration and regeneration. And is it really necessary that we have regenerated through the image. Who owns the name and then the spirit because it has the chrism, that the apostles were called .. The left and right, it is not a good teacher nor a believer, but Christ. He comes to make things below such as those above, such as external and internal, to gather them all in place. And here is manifested through symbols and images, so that everyone, including symbols, hold the chrism and become Christ.

Each plant has its roots in the sky, no risk from the material and not more roots. You yourself have shown to your followers, planting trees in an orchard in the sky with the roots. All those who negate duality and unite the opposites will be made perfect and generate light that never sets. Who becomes a child of light, learning from it, will receive the light. Who receives the light or can not be restrained, and no hurt can come to such a man. Who is truth ol'ha received through the pictures, the world has become a hero, not hidden in darkness or night, but hidden in a perfect day in a holy light.

I am your echo. We know the word only if the Lord wants to reveal it. And the word is the son and his light is the spirit and the spirit is the truth. It all comes from one.


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