This is one of my recent work Homage to Mucha Dance
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Cm Before Expected Period
Here it is democracy!
Censorship becomes law: approved the amendment by Senator D'Alia. The Internet will be suppressed
'providers' will block sites disobedient. Sentence of up to 5 years in prison: the Berlusconi government, such as China and Burma. Meanwhile, Mediaset claiming damages of at Youtube 500milioni
Caserta - On January 20 the Senate approved the so-called security package (DDL 733) and, among others, an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) which is established by Article 50 -a: "Repression activity of apology or instigation to commit a crime carried out via the Internet." The text will become the god article 60. Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) is not part of the majority the government and this speaks volumes about the versatility of the design of the freedom-Casta. In practice, according to this amendment, if any citizen through a blog then call to disobey (or criticize?) To a law that it deems unfair, the 'providers' will block the blog.
This measure may obscure a site anywhere, even abroad, the Minister of the Interior, after notice of the court, may in fact have a decree with the interruption of the activities of bloggers, orders to suppliers connectivity to the Internet to use the appropriate filtering tools necessary for that purpose. The activity of filtering should be set within 24 hours, the breach of that obligation implies the provider a fine of between € 50,000 and € 250,000. For bloggers instead be imprisonment from 1 to 5 years for incitement to murder and
condoning of crime, as well as an additional penalty of 6 months to 5 years for incitement to disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between the social classes.
With this law would be immediately cleaned up the search engines from all the Caste link to uncomfortable. In practice the power is being equipped with weapons in Italy to block Facebook, YouTube and 'all blogs', which currently represent the only in Italy information is not conditioned and / or censored. I remind you that ours is the only country in the world where a 'media company' sued YouTube asking for damages of € 500 million for compensation. The name of this 'media company', as it happens, it's Mediaset.
So the government intervenes for the umpteenth time, in an area which, quite incidentally, an undertaking involving the Prime Minister in a conflict justice and interest. After the bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a commission against piracy and digital media, that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a piece of legislation on this subject, this amendment to the 'security package' in fact it makes explicit the government's project of 'normalization' with the laws of Internet repression and the whole system of reports and information as capillaries that are no longer able to dominate.
Soon we should not be surprised if the informers will be rewarded with vouchers. While in the U.S. Obama has won the election thanks to the Internet, the government is based in Italy with regard to press freedom in China and Burma. Today, the only media that have been bouncing this news blog Beppe Grillo and the trade magazine Computer Point.
should be given the widest possible dissemination of this information to try to awaken sleeping consciences of Italians, for which there is no freedom of information and right to criticize the concept of democracy becomes an issue purely dialectical. (From
Censorship becomes law: approved the amendment by Senator D'Alia. The Internet will be suppressed
'providers' will block sites disobedient. Sentence of up to 5 years in prison: the Berlusconi government, such as China and Burma. Meanwhile, Mediaset claiming damages of at Youtube 500milioni
Caserta - On January 20 the Senate approved the so-called security package (DDL 733) and, among others, an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) which is established by Article 50 -a: "Repression activity of apology or instigation to commit a crime carried out via the Internet." The text will become the god article 60. Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) is not part of the majority the government and this speaks volumes about the versatility of the design of the freedom-Casta. In practice, according to this amendment, if any citizen through a blog then call to disobey (or criticize?) To a law that it deems unfair, the 'providers' will block the blog.
This measure may obscure a site anywhere, even abroad, the Minister of the Interior, after notice of the court, may in fact have a decree with the interruption of the activities of bloggers, orders to suppliers connectivity to the Internet to use the appropriate filtering tools necessary for that purpose. The activity of filtering should be set within 24 hours, the breach of that obligation implies the provider a fine of between € 50,000 and € 250,000. For bloggers instead be imprisonment from 1 to 5 years for incitement to murder and
condoning of crime, as well as an additional penalty of 6 months to 5 years for incitement to disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between the social classes.
With this law would be immediately cleaned up the search engines from all the Caste link to uncomfortable. In practice the power is being equipped with weapons in Italy to block Facebook, YouTube and 'all blogs', which currently represent the only in Italy information is not conditioned and / or censored. I remind you that ours is the only country in the world where a 'media company' sued YouTube asking for damages of € 500 million for compensation. The name of this 'media company', as it happens, it's Mediaset.
So the government intervenes for the umpteenth time, in an area which, quite incidentally, an undertaking involving the Prime Minister in a conflict justice and interest. After the bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a commission against piracy and digital media, that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a piece of legislation on this subject, this amendment to the 'security package' in fact it makes explicit the government's project of 'normalization' with the laws of Internet repression and the whole system of reports and information as capillaries that are no longer able to dominate.
Soon we should not be surprised if the informers will be rewarded with vouchers. While in the U.S. Obama has won the election thanks to the Internet, the government is based in Italy with regard to press freedom in China and Burma. Today, the only media that have been bouncing this news blog Beppe Grillo and the trade magazine Computer Point.
should be given the widest possible dissemination of this information to try to awaken sleeping consciences of Italians, for which there is no freedom of information and right to criticize the concept of democracy becomes an issue purely dialectical. (From
Clips De Mario Salieri
The September 25, 2007 Adnan Yousif, chairman of the Union of Arab Banks (UAB), has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Italian Banking Association (ABI) for the opening in Italy by the end of 2008, a one-stop based on the principles of the Koran, in line with what is happening in other European countries. A year has passed, during which he discussed many issues related to the growing presence of Muslims in Italy - the opening of mosques, mixed marriages, the study of the Koran in schools, use of the veil in public places - but no one has seriously deepened the benefits that would have employers and Italian investors, if they could turn to, instead of the usual money-lenders, including banks to Islamic law. If we really want to liberalize our financial system, then we should be open to all banks, not just those inspired by the American model.
The most famous of Islamic banking is the prohibition on charging interest. The Koran (sura 2, verse 275) prohibits riba on the loan. The term refers not only to wear, that is an excessive interest rate, but to any award of interest on loans and deposits. According to sharia, Islamic law is that, only the work of man can justify the enrichment, both ethical and legal. It is not lawful to receive any interest, not least because it represents a gain related to the creditor as simple time.
Islam allows only one type of loan - called qard-el-hassan, which literally means good loan - where the lender does not charge any interest or additional amount to the amount paid. The lender offers the loan to get the blessing of Allah and expects a reward from Allah alone. The resources for this type of transaction are taken from a solidarity fund, said tenth legal (zakat), formed by the voluntary contributions that all Muslims pay for the poor and which are managed by banks on behalf of local communities or governments. The money paid as a good loan is used for consumption purposes or for the purchase of basic necessities.
The condemnation of usury comes from the fact that money is regarded as units of measurement and method of payment. Not having any intrinsic value, can not generate more money through the payment of interest. Human work, the spirit of initiative and the risk inherent in a productive activity, are more important than the money used to finance them. Muslim jurists consider money as potential capital rather than as capital in the strict sense, in the sense that it becomes capital only when it is invested in economic activity. Consequently, the money advanced form of a loan is considered a debt of the company and not a capital. As such, shall not be entitled to any profit. Its purchasing power can not be used to directly create greater purchasing power, but must pass through an intermediate stage that the sale of goods and services.
From this view of money, Islamic finance is based on the idea that provider and user of the currency should share equally in the risk business, so that the whole community, not just a category of economic operators, benefits. This applies to factories, farms, service companies or simple trade. Translated into banking terms, means that everyone involved - the depositor, the bank, the debtor - must share the risks and gains arising from the financing of an asset. It is the principle of profit-loss sharing, known but poorly implemented in the Western banking system, which instead requires the debtor to repay the loan received, along with the interest imposed, regardless of success or failure of his business.
Technically, the sharing of business risk is embodied in various forms of financing, associative or participatory. With Murabaha the bank purchases a machine for the customer and sells it to the customer at a higher price. Mudaraba with the bank invests funds on behalf of the customer and take a share of the profits from the investment. Bank deposits are generally accepted in that form. Musharaka with the bank and the customer set up a company, or purchase an equity stake, sharing profits and losses arising from it.
Islamic law also prohibits the gharar, a word that means uncertainty, risk, speculation. The contracting parties must be fully aware of the currency they are traded as a result of their transactions and can not predetermine a guaranteed profit. The so-called futures - which are promises of future purchases or sales - are considered immoral financial instruments, as well as financial transactions in foreign currencies because exchange rates are determined by interest rate differentials. Many Islamic scholars disapprove the indexation of the level of debt through inflation.
However, some transactions are regarded as exceptions to the principle of gharar, such as sales with advance payment (bai 'bithaman Ajil) and the contract of leasing (Ijara). However, there are specific legal requirements and ensure that these contracts must be concluded in order to minimize any risk. For example, Islamic leasing - which allows the bank to buy an asset for a customer and rent for a certain period, after which the customer can buy those goods - the purchase amount must be equal to the total rate, by only the remuneration of the service provided by the bank.
Finally, we must consider that one of the pillars of Islam is giving (zakat), based on the idea of \u200b\u200bpurification of one's wealth through a partial redistribution, which takes the form of a religious duty. It is subject to the same banks and millions of believers, even those immigrants. These figures are huge, difficult to assess, which form an uninterrupted flow of resources used to assist the most needy, but also a form of funding for defense and spreading the faith.
The first Islamic bank was born in Egypt in 1963, but only after the oil crisis of the early seventies began the real development of Islamic finance. In 1975 it was decided to establish a public bank, the Islamic Development Bank, with the participation of 44 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), established since 1969. The major shareholders are Saudi Arabia (26%), Libya (16%) and Kuwait (13%). Its mission is to promote trade between Muslim nations, finance leasing and sales in advance, create special funds for development projects.
was born the same year the Dubai Islamic Bank, the first Islamic private bank, and in 1978 established the first Islamic bank in Luxembourg, Western Europe, then known as Islamic Banking, Islamic Financial System and now House. In 1979, Pakistan decreed the Islamization of the whole banking sector.
The same thing happened in Iran and Sudan in 1983. Currently there are 166 Islamic banks, which concentrate about 80% of the collection in the Middle East and the rest in other Muslim countries, mainly Malaysia and Indonesia. The four major groups: Dallah Albaraka Group (Saudi Arabia), the Dar al Maal Islami Trust (Saudi Arabia), Alrahj Group (Saudi Arabia) The Islamic Investor (Kuwait).
In recent years, Islamic equity funds have been launched following strict criteria in selecting securities. Excluded are companies immoral areas (alcohol, tobacco, pornography, pork, weapons), those who have a debt of over 33% of capitalization, those who trade with Israel and those who practice usury, that is all Western banks and insurance law. Worldwide there are 144 well-distributed profits growing Islamic funds in the form of bonds (sukuk), which, unlike Western bonds, do not pay interest in the strict sense, but coupons are representative of a share in profits related to the activities of selected companies.
The first sukuk was issued in 1990. Ten years later came the second issue, only 3 sukuk for 336 million dollars. In 2003, increased to 37 for a total of $ 5.7 billion. In 2006, 199 sukuk were issued for more than $ 27 billion, some 206 in 2007 to almost $ 47 billion, and finally 44 in 2008 for another 2.4 billion. Islamic finance has not been affected by the recent U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. Being prohibited lending at interest and the marketing of debt, non-Muslim investors run the risk of buying complex products, such as the infamous collaterized debt obligations, which triggered the crisis.
The authoritative rating agency Moody's estimated that the assets of Islamic banks, in just one year, increased by 20% reaching € 500 billion dollars. Same time highlights the risks associated with the belief that these institutions serve to finance international terrorism. Obviously the system has no usurer Western strategy to halt the advance of the banks of Allah except fuel this belief and encourage the so-called clash of civilizations, with the ghost of Bin Laden, who appears periodically to deliver claims and threats.
For the Italians, who are not Muslims but are tired of being subjected to the power of money lender, the appeal of Islamic finance is mainly explained in relation to the dysfunction of global finance. This applies especially for the South, where the gap with the North, is also measured in terms of cost of money. But overall, it's all the Italian economy to be held hostage by a banking system that favors the profits of the money creators, ie banks, compared to the needs of the users of money, that is, firms and households. The bank
without bankers. This is the cornerstone of Islamic socialism. In Western capitalism exists, however, a structural conflict between the banking industry, producing money out of nothing and making money on time, and industrial and commercial enterprises, who are struggling to produce work that guarantees the interests and crushed by oppressive taxes dall'usurocrazia overall. It would be reductive to consider it a conflict within the capitalist class, as it represents the true class struggle: work against wear, employers and workers against bankers.
PS. LO VE YOU SEE BERSCONI paying the Zakat?
AND THEN EUROPE AND AMERICA ARE BOTH to criticize the Islamic State .. BUT who are ashamed of himself and of the Zionist regime usurer ENDORSE THAT ALWAYS TO MAKE!
The September 25, 2007 Adnan Yousif, chairman of the Union of Arab Banks (UAB), has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Italian Banking Association (ABI) for the opening in Italy by the end of 2008, a one-stop based on the principles of the Koran, in line with what is happening in other European countries. A year has passed, during which he discussed many issues related to the growing presence of Muslims in Italy - the opening of mosques, mixed marriages, the study of the Koran in schools, use of the veil in public places - but no one has seriously deepened the benefits that would have employers and Italian investors, if they could turn to, instead of the usual money-lenders, including banks to Islamic law. If we really want to liberalize our financial system, then we should be open to all banks, not just those inspired by the American model.
The most famous of Islamic banking is the prohibition on charging interest. The Koran (sura 2, verse 275) prohibits riba on the loan. The term refers not only to wear, that is an excessive interest rate, but to any award of interest on loans and deposits. According to sharia, Islamic law is that, only the work of man can justify the enrichment, both ethical and legal. It is not lawful to receive any interest, not least because it represents a gain related to the creditor as simple time.
Islam allows only one type of loan - called qard-el-hassan, which literally means good loan - where the lender does not charge any interest or additional amount to the amount paid. The lender offers the loan to get the blessing of Allah and expects a reward from Allah alone. The resources for this type of transaction are taken from a solidarity fund, said tenth legal (zakat), formed by the voluntary contributions that all Muslims pay for the poor and which are managed by banks on behalf of local communities or governments. The money paid as a good loan is used for consumption purposes or for the purchase of basic necessities.
The condemnation of usury comes from the fact that money is regarded as units of measurement and method of payment. Not having any intrinsic value, can not generate more money through the payment of interest. Human work, the spirit of initiative and the risk inherent in a productive activity, are more important than the money used to finance them. Muslim jurists consider money as potential capital rather than as capital in the strict sense, in the sense that it becomes capital only when it is invested in economic activity. Consequently, the money advanced form of a loan is considered a debt of the company and not a capital. As such, shall not be entitled to any profit. Its purchasing power can not be used to directly create greater purchasing power, but must pass through an intermediate stage that the sale of goods and services.
From this view of money, Islamic finance is based on the idea that provider and user of the currency should share equally in the risk business, so that the whole community, not just a category of economic operators, benefits. This applies to factories, farms, service companies or simple trade. Translated into banking terms, means that everyone involved - the depositor, the bank, the debtor - must share the risks and gains arising from the financing of an asset. It is the principle of profit-loss sharing, known but poorly implemented in the Western banking system, which instead requires the debtor to repay the loan received, along with the interest imposed, regardless of success or failure of his business.
Technically, the sharing of business risk is embodied in various forms of financing, associative or participatory. With Murabaha the bank purchases a machine for the customer and sells it to the customer at a higher price. Mudaraba with the bank invests funds on behalf of the customer and take a share of the profits from the investment. Bank deposits are generally accepted in that form. Musharaka with the bank and the customer set up a company, or purchase an equity stake, sharing profits and losses arising from it.
Islamic law also prohibits the gharar, a word that means uncertainty, risk, speculation. The contracting parties must be fully aware of the currency they are traded as a result of their transactions and can not predetermine a guaranteed profit. The so-called futures - which are promises of future purchases or sales - are considered immoral financial instruments, as well as financial transactions in foreign currencies because exchange rates are determined by interest rate differentials. Many Islamic scholars disapprove the indexation of the level of debt through inflation.
However, some transactions are regarded as exceptions to the principle of gharar, such as sales with advance payment (bai 'bithaman Ajil) and the contract of leasing (Ijara). However, there are specific legal requirements and ensure that these contracts must be concluded in order to minimize any risk. For example, Islamic leasing - which allows the bank to buy an asset for a customer and rent for a certain period, after which the customer can buy those goods - the purchase amount must be equal to the total rate, by only the remuneration of the service provided by the bank.
Finally, we must consider that one of the pillars of Islam is giving (zakat), based on the idea of \u200b\u200bpurification of one's wealth through a partial redistribution, which takes the form of a religious duty. It is subject to the same banks and millions of believers, even those immigrants. These figures are huge, difficult to assess, which form an uninterrupted flow of resources used to assist the most needy, but also a form of funding for defense and spreading the faith.
The first Islamic bank was born in Egypt in 1963, but only after the oil crisis of the early seventies began the real development of Islamic finance. In 1975 it was decided to establish a public bank, the Islamic Development Bank, with the participation of 44 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), established since 1969. The major shareholders are Saudi Arabia (26%), Libya (16%) and Kuwait (13%). Its mission is to promote trade between Muslim nations, finance leasing and sales in advance, create special funds for development projects.
was born the same year the Dubai Islamic Bank, the first Islamic private bank, and in 1978 established the first Islamic bank in Luxembourg, Western Europe, then known as Islamic Banking, Islamic Financial System and now House. In 1979, Pakistan decreed the Islamization of the whole banking sector.
The same thing happened in Iran and Sudan in 1983. Currently there are 166 Islamic banks, which concentrate about 80% of the collection in the Middle East and the rest in other Muslim countries, mainly Malaysia and Indonesia. The four major groups: Dallah Albaraka Group (Saudi Arabia), the Dar al Maal Islami Trust (Saudi Arabia), Alrahj Group (Saudi Arabia) The Islamic Investor (Kuwait).
In recent years, Islamic equity funds have been launched following strict criteria in selecting securities. Excluded are companies immoral areas (alcohol, tobacco, pornography, pork, weapons), those who have a debt of over 33% of capitalization, those who trade with Israel and those who practice usury, that is all Western banks and insurance law. Worldwide there are 144 well-distributed profits growing Islamic funds in the form of bonds (sukuk), which, unlike Western bonds, do not pay interest in the strict sense, but coupons are representative of a share in profits related to the activities of selected companies.
The first sukuk was issued in 1990. Ten years later came the second issue, only 3 sukuk for 336 million dollars. In 2003, increased to 37 for a total of $ 5.7 billion. In 2006, 199 sukuk were issued for more than $ 27 billion, some 206 in 2007 to almost $ 47 billion, and finally 44 in 2008 for another 2.4 billion. Islamic finance has not been affected by the recent U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. Being prohibited lending at interest and the marketing of debt, non-Muslim investors run the risk of buying complex products, such as the infamous collaterized debt obligations, which triggered the crisis.
The authoritative rating agency Moody's estimated that the assets of Islamic banks, in just one year, increased by 20% reaching € 500 billion dollars. Same time highlights the risks associated with the belief that these institutions serve to finance international terrorism. Obviously the system has no usurer Western strategy to halt the advance of the banks of Allah except fuel this belief and encourage the so-called clash of civilizations, with the ghost of Bin Laden, who appears periodically to deliver claims and threats.
For the Italians, who are not Muslims but are tired of being subjected to the power of money lender, the appeal of Islamic finance is mainly explained in relation to the dysfunction of global finance. This applies especially for the South, where the gap with the North, is also measured in terms of cost of money. But overall, it's all the Italian economy to be held hostage by a banking system that favors the profits of the money creators, ie banks, compared to the needs of the users of money, that is, firms and households. The bank
without bankers. This is the cornerstone of Islamic socialism. In Western capitalism exists, however, a structural conflict between the banking industry, producing money out of nothing and making money on time, and industrial and commercial enterprises, who are struggling to produce work that guarantees the interests and crushed by oppressive taxes dall'usurocrazia overall. It would be reductive to consider it a conflict within the capitalist class, as it represents the true class struggle: work against wear, employers and workers against bankers.
PS. LO VE YOU SEE BERSCONI paying the Zakat?
AND THEN EUROPE AND AMERICA ARE BOTH to criticize the Islamic State .. BUT who are ashamed of himself and of the Zionist regime usurer ENDORSE THAT ALWAYS TO MAKE!
How To Fake An Ear Fever
From the blog of Paolo Franceschetti / ISLAMIC FINANCE
One issue that has always intrigued me, never understand one iota, is the clash between Islam and the West, an issue that brings with it problems such as the (so-called) war on terrorism, the Israeli-Palestinian the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. ...
The media reported continuing reports of Islamic terrorists who are caught by our highly efficient police foil terrorist attacks as if nothing had happened. Muslims who kill themselves just to make war on the infidels, sacrificing himself, only to be able to have sex with dozens of virgins after death. I mean, crazy.
When there was the invasion of Iraq, the TV showed us pictures of jubilant Muslims burning the American flag.
And then there is this blessed on September 11. From a cave in Afghanistan, Bin Laden, by hatred in America, he organized an attack on the Twin Towers, no one knows why. It 'a terrorist, hates America, this is the explanation. Then there
Oriana Fallaci, who with his "Anger and pride" he described an Arab world intolerant of women, backward, made up of Arabs who conquered the West with "the bellies of our women."
And Paul Barnard who wrote the book "Why do they hate us" explaining why Muslim hatred toward the West.
Then there is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with Israelis claiming their right to land, and give the murderers of the Palestinians, for their part, while the Palestinians say the Israelis are murderers, such as not respecting the limits imposed by the UN have arbitrarily decided to take a slice of territory in more.
accounts that do not add up.
is one of the paintings, to think well, no returns. Where it is clear that we were told a bunch of bullshit.
Let's see what does not come back.
First. Do not back that all Muslims hate us. Just go around the city, and meet with Muslim, always kind, considerate, quiet.
Hatred is in the words of Bush, Borghezio, Bossi, of the Italians. But you rarely hear about intolerance to the contrary.
Then, if you are a good reflection, it is not clear why this hatred toward Muslims and not to the Chinese.
It 's true that the Chinese are a people quiet and calm, but it is also equally true that the Chinese are destroying our economy by invading of low cost, using a workforce that lives in poorly paid and sometimes inhumane conditions in our area. In contrast, Islamic
open craft shops Arabic, kebabs, pizza, paying taxes and also providing alternatives to our products in general, and not directly competitive.
In other words, the feeling is that the media push the accelerator creating an Islamic threat does not exist, and neglecting the Chinese, which is very hidden, but for this most dangerous and insidious than Islamic. I remained
given a document that anyone can find on the internet, is the appeal of Freemasonry to the Sicilian American Freemasonry, a cry that sounds almost desperate request for help unheeded, which warns against the danger of China, not the Islamic
http : / / / documents / Solstice 20d'Inverno%% 202007.htm
This is an important document for certain, the source comes from, particularly reliable, and content.
It is also clear that September 11 was an obvious excuse to attack a country that had nothing to do with terrorism, namely Iraq, and that the problem of Afghanistan is a fabrication, it is clear to all that America does not give anything to dismantle the dictatorship and flying kites in Kabul, but only want to impose their authority.
On the other hand, if Iraq was a rogue state because Saddam had massacred Shiites do not remember how, one might also ask why China is not listed, since it is a totalitarian regime that has often made a bloodbath (remember Tiananmen, or the Tibetan people, to give just two examples).
But the most glaring mockery, obvious to anyone with more than one neuron in the brain, is that the war on terrorism.
In summary, according to the bizarre reconstruction of official sources, since the September 11 was caused by Islamic terrorists, has made the war on Iraq and Afghanistan. The explanation is madness, because terrorism is a phenomenon internal to individual countries, and it is clear that attacking the Middle Eastern countries the hatred between civilizations increases, rather than decreasing, and terrorism can only increase.
Not to mention that the war in Iraq has claimed more than a million deaths, in time now, and it would take hundreds of events like September 11 to make a blood bath of equal magnitude.
The brilliant move to declare war on Iraq has been more or less intelligent, as if to solve the problem of the monster of Florence, had thrown a bomb over the city.
The other colossal lie about that for years I did not understand one iota is the question of Israel, where it is not clear if it came first the chicken or the egg, whether it is true that the Palestinians deny Israel's right to have a country, or whether it is true that the Israelis committed unspeakable atrocities in detriment of the Palestinians. For
get to the bottom of the matter it turns out that both are right, and that the real problem is that someone in that area, wanted to create an outbreak of permanent war, wanting to (rightly) to give a home to a people persecuted over the centuries terribly , but it also surgically implanted State (to Israel), in Palestinian areas, without consulting the Palestinians.
Another thing that comes back is not the religious issue. We spread the notion that Muslims are intolerant and want to subdue the entire West, but anyone with a minimum of familiarity with world religions understand that this is false for three reasons.
First. Why Islam as a religion has the same strain of the Jewish and Muslim and also recognize the figures of Jesus and Mary (although, of course, the Islamic Jesus is only a prophet and not the son of God pin the entire Christian religion). Moreover, they also recognize the Gospel and the Torah books as divinely inspired and is hard to imagine that a religion which recognizes Christ as a prophet is by force of circumstances, all inevitably violent and intolerant. According
. Although some passages in the Talmud prescribes not to kill the Jews and subjugate the world to Judaism. Moreover, Catholicism also brings with it a doctrine that, if misunderstood, is suitable for the purpose of violence and abuse, and not coincidentally in the name of Catholicism have committed massacres of entire populations to fade from the memory of the Holocaust; In fact, the Catholic is generally believed to be the sole repository of truth, and then in the name of this conviction that we are often in the past made war on the heretics, and in the name of this belief (though not specifically mentioned) that you bless the soldiers departing for the front to massacre innocent people are not Catholic, and is always in the name of this belief that allows Bush said that "God wants the Iraq war."
So who the religion, one way or other, chewing time, and has experienced intolerance of Catholics and Buddhists, atheists who, one suspects that Islamic fundamentalism is a colossal dance.
In other words, the suspicion is true, there are some lunatics who are killed while making war on the infidels. But that does not mean all Muslims are like that.
It must also be recognized that the Freemasons, which over the centuries has been able to implement the project European Union and the UN, is its basis in Jewish culture, but this does not mean that all Jews want to dominate other peoples, and above all does not mean that this is the message contained in the Bible and sacred texts of Judaism.
The truth is that the sacred texts of the three monotheistic world religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, contain within itself contradictory ideas or phrases that can be misinterpreted, but a misinterpretation by some extremist fringe groups does not justify the condemnation entirely of whole peoples and of all religion.
Above all, as is clear to many that the message and doctrine of the Catholic Church is NOT the message of Christ, who was a message of peace and love overwhelmed by the Church hierarchy, probably the same is true for the Talmudic doctrine of the supremacy of the people Jewish, Islamic and which refers to holy war.
So the question, to quote Paul Barnard, is not "why they hate us." The right question, the piece that is missing, is: who has an interest in destroying Islam, and why?
The missing piece. The problem of Islamic finance.
The possible answer came to me while scrolling a few pages of the Digest, I jumped in the eyes the "Islamic finance". Intrigued by the fact that in a Western legal text there is an article on Islamic finance, I started reading.
We see the main points of which are Islamic finance. And see if maybe this is not the core of the problem of relations between the West and Islam.
cornerstones of the financial system are:
- Prohibition of loans at interest. We explain that this means that relapse and its implications for the banking system.
1) if a bank lends money to a company, it does buy in exchange for a small share of it, thus also participate in the profits and losses. This means, in respect our banks, less risk.
2) If an individual wants to buy a house, the bank buys the house, and then transfer it to private, will pay a monthly fee as an installment purchase, and will be redeemed at the end. If the individual fails to pay, the bank takes the house, and the private is as if he had paid a rent. But you avoid all the nonsense of our system, in which an outstanding debt to lose the feathers are often both banks and individuals, with our absurd system of the case.
In other words, the Islamic banking system makes it the private bank is much less likely, and both are concerned the deal.
- Prohibition of speculative financial instruments with Financial risky. In a word, are prohibited in the Islamic world of derivatives, bonds, and all those products that have caused the Western financial crisis, and that will cause the collapse of our economy, handed over to the Chinese.
In other words, Islamic finance is based on principles opposed to those on which our finance. The same newspaper Il Sole 24 ore "admits that Islamic finance does not run the risk of being" overwhelmed by debt. "
The system has also not indifferent to the secondary benefits, such as the easy tracking of capital, which limits the ability to commit acts which are obviously illegal.
E 'also obvious, The system guarantees against the abuse of Islamic banks, in other words we often happens that when a bank wants to cause the economic ruin of a subject, ask for the return of capital provided by closing access to credit and arbitrarily blocking the accounts of the debtor, with Islamic finance this is virtually impossible because the debtor is also a "partner" in the bank's business, and therefore the bank could not ruin the debtor unless ruin himself.
Now, as you know some parties of the extreme left and extreme right, which included the problem of the central banks of the points of their program, our financial system is the key to understanding how goes the world. Wars, financial crisis, European Union, problems are bound by one common denominator, namely the problem of ownership of central banks and the money issue (issue left in the hands of private banks, rather than states, with all the necessary consequences ).
Also remember that international finance is largely in the hands of a few Jewish families, above all Rothschild and Rockefeller.
the contrary, in Islamic states, money is beaten by the State itself, as central banks in the hands of the state.
It 'possible that the real problem at the root of the Arab-Israeli Racial hatred is derived from religious issues.
The real problem is financial rather than, as if the principles of Islamic finance gain a foothold in our country, would resolve many of the problems faced by European countries, starting from the house. On the contrary, would be taken away the very pillars that allowed the current financial crisis, and the power is currently devoid of those tools that have led to the demolition political, economic, and judicial, Italy today.
why our media continue to propose stories Imam terrorists, bombs averted, of rogue regimes, but does not touch on the problem of Islamic banks; because addressing the problem of Islamic finance means addressing the problem of our finances.
And that is why we have seen Islamic butcher, Islamic shops, mosques, but no bank, while the few banks offering Islamic financial instruments in reality merely offer sources of funds disguised as Italian Islamic products. To open a bank in Italy it would take the green light of Freemasonry, but that probably will not ever because it is too dangerous for us, as if he were allowed to Italians to enter the Islamic banking system, it is likely that these banks would have a boom at the expense of ours. It's all part
from there. The Italian problem, the financial crisis, the housing shortage, the Mafia, immigration ... all goes from there.
not the mafia or terrorists or bad Muslims. But Draghi, the ECB, the Treaty of Lisbon, Intesa-Sanpaolo, by politicians. I want to like the mafia, terrorists want, they want Muslims bad, so you do not understand that the real problem to them.
wrote this article I went looking for others who have expressed my idea, that the conflict with Islam was born in the table for financial reasons, not religious. I quote here the part of an interview with Nicole Forcheri Marco Saba.
If I understand correctly, THE QUESTION MONETARY INFLUENCE diplomatic relations and the choices geopolitics?
is officially a religious clash between Islam and the West, but IN REALITY IS CONCERNED WITH THE MONEY MARKET AND DESIGN TO THE BANK. Basically, the Western banking system appropriates IS THE CAPITAL OF INTEREST WHILE THE BANK IS ISLAM appropriates only the capital, since interest is prohibited by Shari'a. ALSO A REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT THAT IS BOTH IN EUROPE AS TO INCOME OF CITIZENSHIP IS ALREADY IN FORCE FOR YEARS IN SOME ARAB COUNTRIES.
How important is the petrodollars IN THIS COLLISION?
Saddam Hussein was captured and killed WHY WAS STARTED TO SELL OIL IN EXCHANGE FOR EURO. IN REALITY petrodollars MEANS REQUIRED TO ACQUIRE THE OIL IN DOLLARS, IN PARTICULAR IN DEBT SECURITIES USA, artificially increase the DEMAND. THE SECURITIES HAVE trick of excess was overdriven and China is showing signs Of impatience, controlling its monetary policy is gaining SPHERES OF INFLUENCE IN COMPETITION WITH THE WEST.
HTTP: / / WWWDATA.UNIBG.IT/DATI/BACHECA/270/27323.PDF 20D / 2009/luglio/24/mille_miliardi_della_finanza_islamica_co_9_090724019.shtml
One issue that has always intrigued me, never understand one iota, is the clash between Islam and the West, an issue that brings with it problems such as the (so-called) war on terrorism, the Israeli-Palestinian the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. ...
The media reported continuing reports of Islamic terrorists who are caught by our highly efficient police foil terrorist attacks as if nothing had happened. Muslims who kill themselves just to make war on the infidels, sacrificing himself, only to be able to have sex with dozens of virgins after death. I mean, crazy.
When there was the invasion of Iraq, the TV showed us pictures of jubilant Muslims burning the American flag.
And then there is this blessed on September 11. From a cave in Afghanistan, Bin Laden, by hatred in America, he organized an attack on the Twin Towers, no one knows why. It 'a terrorist, hates America, this is the explanation. Then there
Oriana Fallaci, who with his "Anger and pride" he described an Arab world intolerant of women, backward, made up of Arabs who conquered the West with "the bellies of our women."
And Paul Barnard who wrote the book "Why do they hate us" explaining why Muslim hatred toward the West.
Then there is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with Israelis claiming their right to land, and give the murderers of the Palestinians, for their part, while the Palestinians say the Israelis are murderers, such as not respecting the limits imposed by the UN have arbitrarily decided to take a slice of territory in more.
accounts that do not add up.
is one of the paintings, to think well, no returns. Where it is clear that we were told a bunch of bullshit.
Let's see what does not come back.
First. Do not back that all Muslims hate us. Just go around the city, and meet with Muslim, always kind, considerate, quiet.
Hatred is in the words of Bush, Borghezio, Bossi, of the Italians. But you rarely hear about intolerance to the contrary.
Then, if you are a good reflection, it is not clear why this hatred toward Muslims and not to the Chinese.
It 's true that the Chinese are a people quiet and calm, but it is also equally true that the Chinese are destroying our economy by invading of low cost, using a workforce that lives in poorly paid and sometimes inhumane conditions in our area. In contrast, Islamic
open craft shops Arabic, kebabs, pizza, paying taxes and also providing alternatives to our products in general, and not directly competitive.
In other words, the feeling is that the media push the accelerator creating an Islamic threat does not exist, and neglecting the Chinese, which is very hidden, but for this most dangerous and insidious than Islamic. I remained
given a document that anyone can find on the internet, is the appeal of Freemasonry to the Sicilian American Freemasonry, a cry that sounds almost desperate request for help unheeded, which warns against the danger of China, not the Islamic
http : / / / documents / Solstice 20d'Inverno%% 202007.htm
This is an important document for certain, the source comes from, particularly reliable, and content.
It is also clear that September 11 was an obvious excuse to attack a country that had nothing to do with terrorism, namely Iraq, and that the problem of Afghanistan is a fabrication, it is clear to all that America does not give anything to dismantle the dictatorship and flying kites in Kabul, but only want to impose their authority.
On the other hand, if Iraq was a rogue state because Saddam had massacred Shiites do not remember how, one might also ask why China is not listed, since it is a totalitarian regime that has often made a bloodbath (remember Tiananmen, or the Tibetan people, to give just two examples).
But the most glaring mockery, obvious to anyone with more than one neuron in the brain, is that the war on terrorism.
In summary, according to the bizarre reconstruction of official sources, since the September 11 was caused by Islamic terrorists, has made the war on Iraq and Afghanistan. The explanation is madness, because terrorism is a phenomenon internal to individual countries, and it is clear that attacking the Middle Eastern countries the hatred between civilizations increases, rather than decreasing, and terrorism can only increase.
Not to mention that the war in Iraq has claimed more than a million deaths, in time now, and it would take hundreds of events like September 11 to make a blood bath of equal magnitude.
The brilliant move to declare war on Iraq has been more or less intelligent, as if to solve the problem of the monster of Florence, had thrown a bomb over the city.
The other colossal lie about that for years I did not understand one iota is the question of Israel, where it is not clear if it came first the chicken or the egg, whether it is true that the Palestinians deny Israel's right to have a country, or whether it is true that the Israelis committed unspeakable atrocities in detriment of the Palestinians. For
get to the bottom of the matter it turns out that both are right, and that the real problem is that someone in that area, wanted to create an outbreak of permanent war, wanting to (rightly) to give a home to a people persecuted over the centuries terribly , but it also surgically implanted State (to Israel), in Palestinian areas, without consulting the Palestinians.
Another thing that comes back is not the religious issue. We spread the notion that Muslims are intolerant and want to subdue the entire West, but anyone with a minimum of familiarity with world religions understand that this is false for three reasons.
First. Why Islam as a religion has the same strain of the Jewish and Muslim and also recognize the figures of Jesus and Mary (although, of course, the Islamic Jesus is only a prophet and not the son of God pin the entire Christian religion). Moreover, they also recognize the Gospel and the Torah books as divinely inspired and is hard to imagine that a religion which recognizes Christ as a prophet is by force of circumstances, all inevitably violent and intolerant. According
. Although some passages in the Talmud prescribes not to kill the Jews and subjugate the world to Judaism. Moreover, Catholicism also brings with it a doctrine that, if misunderstood, is suitable for the purpose of violence and abuse, and not coincidentally in the name of Catholicism have committed massacres of entire populations to fade from the memory of the Holocaust; In fact, the Catholic is generally believed to be the sole repository of truth, and then in the name of this conviction that we are often in the past made war on the heretics, and in the name of this belief (though not specifically mentioned) that you bless the soldiers departing for the front to massacre innocent people are not Catholic, and is always in the name of this belief that allows Bush said that "God wants the Iraq war."
So who the religion, one way or other, chewing time, and has experienced intolerance of Catholics and Buddhists, atheists who, one suspects that Islamic fundamentalism is a colossal dance.
In other words, the suspicion is true, there are some lunatics who are killed while making war on the infidels. But that does not mean all Muslims are like that.
It must also be recognized that the Freemasons, which over the centuries has been able to implement the project European Union and the UN, is its basis in Jewish culture, but this does not mean that all Jews want to dominate other peoples, and above all does not mean that this is the message contained in the Bible and sacred texts of Judaism.
The truth is that the sacred texts of the three monotheistic world religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, contain within itself contradictory ideas or phrases that can be misinterpreted, but a misinterpretation by some extremist fringe groups does not justify the condemnation entirely of whole peoples and of all religion.
Above all, as is clear to many that the message and doctrine of the Catholic Church is NOT the message of Christ, who was a message of peace and love overwhelmed by the Church hierarchy, probably the same is true for the Talmudic doctrine of the supremacy of the people Jewish, Islamic and which refers to holy war.
So the question, to quote Paul Barnard, is not "why they hate us." The right question, the piece that is missing, is: who has an interest in destroying Islam, and why?
The missing piece. The problem of Islamic finance.
The possible answer came to me while scrolling a few pages of the Digest, I jumped in the eyes the "Islamic finance". Intrigued by the fact that in a Western legal text there is an article on Islamic finance, I started reading.
We see the main points of which are Islamic finance. And see if maybe this is not the core of the problem of relations between the West and Islam.
cornerstones of the financial system are:
- Prohibition of loans at interest. We explain that this means that relapse and its implications for the banking system.
1) if a bank lends money to a company, it does buy in exchange for a small share of it, thus also participate in the profits and losses. This means, in respect our banks, less risk.
2) If an individual wants to buy a house, the bank buys the house, and then transfer it to private, will pay a monthly fee as an installment purchase, and will be redeemed at the end. If the individual fails to pay, the bank takes the house, and the private is as if he had paid a rent. But you avoid all the nonsense of our system, in which an outstanding debt to lose the feathers are often both banks and individuals, with our absurd system of the case.
In other words, the Islamic banking system makes it the private bank is much less likely, and both are concerned the deal.
- Prohibition of speculative financial instruments with Financial risky. In a word, are prohibited in the Islamic world of derivatives, bonds, and all those products that have caused the Western financial crisis, and that will cause the collapse of our economy, handed over to the Chinese.
In other words, Islamic finance is based on principles opposed to those on which our finance. The same newspaper Il Sole 24 ore "admits that Islamic finance does not run the risk of being" overwhelmed by debt. "
The system has also not indifferent to the secondary benefits, such as the easy tracking of capital, which limits the ability to commit acts which are obviously illegal.
E 'also obvious, The system guarantees against the abuse of Islamic banks, in other words we often happens that when a bank wants to cause the economic ruin of a subject, ask for the return of capital provided by closing access to credit and arbitrarily blocking the accounts of the debtor, with Islamic finance this is virtually impossible because the debtor is also a "partner" in the bank's business, and therefore the bank could not ruin the debtor unless ruin himself.
Now, as you know some parties of the extreme left and extreme right, which included the problem of the central banks of the points of their program, our financial system is the key to understanding how goes the world. Wars, financial crisis, European Union, problems are bound by one common denominator, namely the problem of ownership of central banks and the money issue (issue left in the hands of private banks, rather than states, with all the necessary consequences ).
Also remember that international finance is largely in the hands of a few Jewish families, above all Rothschild and Rockefeller.
the contrary, in Islamic states, money is beaten by the State itself, as central banks in the hands of the state.
It 'possible that the real problem at the root of the Arab-Israeli Racial hatred is derived from religious issues.
The real problem is financial rather than, as if the principles of Islamic finance gain a foothold in our country, would resolve many of the problems faced by European countries, starting from the house. On the contrary, would be taken away the very pillars that allowed the current financial crisis, and the power is currently devoid of those tools that have led to the demolition political, economic, and judicial, Italy today.
why our media continue to propose stories Imam terrorists, bombs averted, of rogue regimes, but does not touch on the problem of Islamic banks; because addressing the problem of Islamic finance means addressing the problem of our finances.
And that is why we have seen Islamic butcher, Islamic shops, mosques, but no bank, while the few banks offering Islamic financial instruments in reality merely offer sources of funds disguised as Italian Islamic products. To open a bank in Italy it would take the green light of Freemasonry, but that probably will not ever because it is too dangerous for us, as if he were allowed to Italians to enter the Islamic banking system, it is likely that these banks would have a boom at the expense of ours. It's all part
from there. The Italian problem, the financial crisis, the housing shortage, the Mafia, immigration ... all goes from there.
not the mafia or terrorists or bad Muslims. But Draghi, the ECB, the Treaty of Lisbon, Intesa-Sanpaolo, by politicians. I want to like the mafia, terrorists want, they want Muslims bad, so you do not understand that the real problem to them.
wrote this article I went looking for others who have expressed my idea, that the conflict with Islam was born in the table for financial reasons, not religious. I quote here the part of an interview with Nicole Forcheri Marco Saba.
If I understand correctly, THE QUESTION MONETARY INFLUENCE diplomatic relations and the choices geopolitics?
is officially a religious clash between Islam and the West, but IN REALITY IS CONCERNED WITH THE MONEY MARKET AND DESIGN TO THE BANK. Basically, the Western banking system appropriates IS THE CAPITAL OF INTEREST WHILE THE BANK IS ISLAM appropriates only the capital, since interest is prohibited by Shari'a. ALSO A REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT THAT IS BOTH IN EUROPE AS TO INCOME OF CITIZENSHIP IS ALREADY IN FORCE FOR YEARS IN SOME ARAB COUNTRIES.
How important is the petrodollars IN THIS COLLISION?
Saddam Hussein was captured and killed WHY WAS STARTED TO SELL OIL IN EXCHANGE FOR EURO. IN REALITY petrodollars MEANS REQUIRED TO ACQUIRE THE OIL IN DOLLARS, IN PARTICULAR IN DEBT SECURITIES USA, artificially increase the DEMAND. THE SECURITIES HAVE trick of excess was overdriven and China is showing signs Of impatience, controlling its monetary policy is gaining SPHERES OF INFLUENCE IN COMPETITION WITH THE WEST.
HTTP: / / WWWDATA.UNIBG.IT/DATI/BACHECA/270/27323.PDF 20D / 2009/luglio/24/mille_miliardi_della_finanza_islamica_co_9_090724019.shtml
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Navyfield Base Kalkulator
From the blog of Paul Franceschetti
Nicoletta Forcheri from: things in our house Our
Franco Caddell, seeker of truth and an expert on chemtrails, known to readers of luogocomune of comedonchisciotte , and other information sites, is lost at sea since 29 August.
He took the dinghy to go fishing in his beloved Sardinia, and never returned. E 'was found on boat with the engine running, he disappeared with all his belongings except sunglasses and sunscreen.
It can be said that has disappeared without a trace, vanished, disappeared in a suspicious way to do the thinking mode of UFO abductions.
which you are giving a lot to do lately
(cfr.http: / /
as to suggest the preparation of more false flags of human history, while the usual (ig) known to us snatch the world.
Missing, by accident, kidnapping "alien", cancer, heart attack or fake suicide, always repeating - coincidentally - at the same time the need to lower the spotlight on all the dark designs of total control of the criminal world.
and chemtrails, the connotations of that plan, we have them all.
As someone said, to make something invisible to most, the best way is to put it under his nose.
Only the most sensitive, childlike minds, they will see. And Franco Caddell was one of them. And just as sometimes "disappear" the big white collar criminals at the time due to pillory the media, which strangely is regularly smothered by the din media premeditated about trifles (see Jean Paul Juguet Total's fugitive arrested), so his tracks on the Internet are fading, they are scarce, rare, occasional - that the circumstances of his disappearance or its argomentatissime disquisitions on chemtrails and more.
I therefore appeal to all of you to recover your documents as evidence unless it quickly before the upper floors of Google decide to make them all disappear.
A commentator on the blog then wrote a very interesting thing:
"I am writing this posting already knowing that they can be taken for paranoid, but I can not help it.
I met a young scientist who worked at the CNR and who spoke without problems of all types of knowledge of our universe the time of Newton to the present (a great Capoccetta, as befits a scientist).
Well, I during our dialogue, I made a small mention of chemtrails and their new role as the official "plan B against global warming" (in short, the last of the true coverage plan, which is hidden, in my view, behind these trails)
This scientist (tralaltro really nice and helpful) I was immediately eclipsed any possibility of such "conspiracy", but at the same time he said something that confirmed my hypothesis. That
said that scientists who study the climate and above all study the planet from our point of view of its balance as a living system (where it is our part of course) and would concluded that at this rate of growth of population and especially of consumption and resource use between 50 or 60 years will not be sustainable.
In a nutshell, according to most scientists who study these things we are close to a point of no return (if not already gone over) ...
This means (putting together the pieces I have in my head) that a plan for suppressing the number of the world population of at least two thirds would be seen as a solution to the problem ...
Let me explain, if you say that in 50 years we will not have enough food, why do not we have enough resources to be able to produce enough to feed everyone, this global genocide could also be justified by the high levels of power, just to ensure their future ...
is true that this is a way to talk titpico so-called "conspiracy" (I do not psiace say, but I also feel part of this category), but the fact remains that can not express (at least here) this thought ...
Kill slowly poisons (also radioactive) released into the sky, which cause cancer in people, but also treating me with CARCINOGENIC therapies such as chemotherapy and more, may be part of one same plan.
than a Blogger can become dangerous even for a power (albeit hidden, but not too) that can decide over life and death the majority of its inhabitants (causing wars, disasters and financial crises in general) is not something so absurd.
While an unknown number of ships (reportedly more than 130) with radiottive waste and toxic chemicals of various kinds have been sunk in the Mediterranean, possibly triggering a chain reaction by osmosis to make all the Mediterranean not only radioactive , but does not recommend the feeding of the fish that make us a bath ...
What we are left to think? that this may have happened or is happening yet still only an unconsciousness of those who commit such acts?
or especially for our non-awareness (let's call it even ignorance)?
course say to themselves that they are just lies and pretend nothing happened, as if everything was always the same ...
to me personally is a little difficult.
sorry for the trouble, I just told my (actually I wrote it)
Nicoletta Forcheri from: things in our house Our
Franco Caddell, seeker of truth and an expert on chemtrails, known to readers of luogocomune of comedonchisciotte , and other information sites, is lost at sea since 29 August.
He took the dinghy to go fishing in his beloved Sardinia, and never returned. E 'was found on boat with the engine running, he disappeared with all his belongings except sunglasses and sunscreen.
It can be said that has disappeared without a trace, vanished, disappeared in a suspicious way to do the thinking mode of UFO abductions.
which you are giving a lot to do lately
(cfr.http: / /
as to suggest the preparation of more false flags of human history, while the usual (ig) known to us snatch the world.
Missing, by accident, kidnapping "alien", cancer, heart attack or fake suicide, always repeating - coincidentally - at the same time the need to lower the spotlight on all the dark designs of total control of the criminal world.
and chemtrails, the connotations of that plan, we have them all.
As someone said, to make something invisible to most, the best way is to put it under his nose.
Only the most sensitive, childlike minds, they will see. And Franco Caddell was one of them. And just as sometimes "disappear" the big white collar criminals at the time due to pillory the media, which strangely is regularly smothered by the din media premeditated about trifles (see Jean Paul Juguet Total's fugitive arrested), so his tracks on the Internet are fading, they are scarce, rare, occasional - that the circumstances of his disappearance or its argomentatissime disquisitions on chemtrails and more.
I therefore appeal to all of you to recover your documents as evidence unless it quickly before the upper floors of Google decide to make them all disappear.
A commentator on the blog then wrote a very interesting thing:
"I am writing this posting already knowing that they can be taken for paranoid, but I can not help it.
I met a young scientist who worked at the CNR and who spoke without problems of all types of knowledge of our universe the time of Newton to the present (a great Capoccetta, as befits a scientist).
Well, I during our dialogue, I made a small mention of chemtrails and their new role as the official "plan B against global warming" (in short, the last of the true coverage plan, which is hidden, in my view, behind these trails)
This scientist (tralaltro really nice and helpful) I was immediately eclipsed any possibility of such "conspiracy", but at the same time he said something that confirmed my hypothesis. That
said that scientists who study the climate and above all study the planet from our point of view of its balance as a living system (where it is our part of course) and would concluded that at this rate of growth of population and especially of consumption and resource use between 50 or 60 years will not be sustainable.
In a nutshell, according to most scientists who study these things we are close to a point of no return (if not already gone over) ...
This means (putting together the pieces I have in my head) that a plan for suppressing the number of the world population of at least two thirds would be seen as a solution to the problem ...
Let me explain, if you say that in 50 years we will not have enough food, why do not we have enough resources to be able to produce enough to feed everyone, this global genocide could also be justified by the high levels of power, just to ensure their future ...
is true that this is a way to talk titpico so-called "conspiracy" (I do not psiace say, but I also feel part of this category), but the fact remains that can not express (at least here) this thought ...
Kill slowly poisons (also radioactive) released into the sky, which cause cancer in people, but also treating me with CARCINOGENIC therapies such as chemotherapy and more, may be part of one same plan.
than a Blogger can become dangerous even for a power (albeit hidden, but not too) that can decide over life and death the majority of its inhabitants (causing wars, disasters and financial crises in general) is not something so absurd.
While an unknown number of ships (reportedly more than 130) with radiottive waste and toxic chemicals of various kinds have been sunk in the Mediterranean, possibly triggering a chain reaction by osmosis to make all the Mediterranean not only radioactive , but does not recommend the feeding of the fish that make us a bath ...
What we are left to think? that this may have happened or is happening yet still only an unconsciousness of those who commit such acts?
or especially for our non-awareness (let's call it even ignorance)?
course say to themselves that they are just lies and pretend nothing happened, as if everything was always the same ...
to me personally is a little difficult.
sorry for the trouble, I just told my (actually I wrote it)
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