Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Navyfield Base Kalkulator

From the blog of Paul Franceschetti

Nicoletta Forcheri from: things in our house Our

Franco Caddell, seeker of truth and an expert on chemtrails, known to readers of luogocomune of comedonchisciotte , and other information sites, is lost at sea since 29 August.
He took the dinghy to go fishing in his beloved Sardinia, and never returned. E 'was found on boat with the engine running, he disappeared with all his belongings except sunglasses and sunscreen.
It can be said that has disappeared without a trace, vanished, disappeared in a suspicious way to do the thinking mode of UFO abductions.
which you are giving a lot to do lately
(cfr.http: / /
as to suggest the preparation of more false flags of human history, while the usual (ig) known to us snatch the world.
Missing, by accident, kidnapping "alien", cancer, heart attack or fake suicide, always repeating - coincidentally - at the same time the need to lower the spotlight on all the dark designs of total control of the criminal world.
and chemtrails, the connotations of that plan, we have them all.
As someone said, to make something invisible to most, the best way is to put it under his nose.
Only the most sensitive, childlike minds, they will see. And Franco Caddell was one of them. And just as sometimes "disappear" the big white collar criminals at the time due to pillory the media, which strangely is regularly smothered by the din media premeditated about trifles (see Jean Paul Juguet Total's fugitive arrested), so his tracks on the Internet are fading, they are scarce, rare, occasional - that the circumstances of his disappearance or its argomentatissime disquisitions on chemtrails and more.

I therefore appeal to all of you to recover your documents as evidence unless it quickly before the upper floors of Google decide to make them all disappear.

A commentator on the blog then wrote a very interesting thing:

"I am writing this posting already knowing that they can be taken for paranoid, but I can not help it.
I met a young scientist who worked at the CNR and who spoke without problems of all types of knowledge of our universe the time of Newton to the present (a great Capoccetta, as befits a scientist).
Well, I during our dialogue, I made a small mention of chemtrails and their new role as the official "plan B against global warming" (in short, the last of the true coverage plan, which is hidden, in my view, behind these trails)
This scientist (tralaltro really nice and helpful) I was immediately eclipsed any possibility of such "conspiracy", but at the same time he said something that confirmed my hypothesis. That
said that scientists who study the climate and above all study the planet from our point of view of its balance as a living system (where it is our part of course) and would concluded that at this rate of growth of population and especially of consumption and resource use between 50 or 60 years will not be sustainable.
In a nutshell, according to most scientists who study these things we are close to a point of no return (if not already gone over) ...
This means (putting together the pieces I have in my head) that a plan for suppressing the number of the world population of at least two thirds would be seen as a solution to the problem ...

Let me explain, if you say that in 50 years we will not have enough food, why do not we have enough resources to be able to produce enough to feed everyone, this global genocide could also be justified by the high levels of power, just to ensure their future ...

is true that this is a way to talk titpico so-called "conspiracy" (I do not psiace say, but I also feel part of this category), but the fact remains that can not express (at least here) this thought ...

Kill slowly poisons (also radioactive) released into the sky, which cause cancer in people, but also treating me with CARCINOGENIC therapies such as chemotherapy and more, may be part of one same plan.

than a Blogger can become dangerous even for a power (albeit hidden, but not too) that can decide over life and death the majority of its inhabitants (causing wars, disasters and financial crises in general) is not something so absurd.

While an unknown number of ships (reportedly more than 130) with radiottive waste and toxic chemicals of various kinds have been sunk in the Mediterranean, possibly triggering a chain reaction by osmosis to make all the Mediterranean not only radioactive , but does not recommend the feeding of the fish that make us a bath ...

What we are left to think? that this may have happened or is happening yet still only an unconsciousness of those who commit such acts?
or especially for our non-awareness (let's call it even ignorance)?

course say to themselves that they are just lies and pretend nothing happened, as if everything was always the same ...
to me personally is a little difficult.

sorry for the trouble, I just told my (actually I wrote it)



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