Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cm Before Expected Period

Here it is democracy!

Censorship becomes law: approved the amendment by Senator D'Alia. The Internet will be suppressed
'providers' will block sites disobedient. Sentence of up to 5 years in prison: the Berlusconi government, such as China and Burma. Meanwhile, Mediaset claiming damages of at Youtube 500milioni

Caserta - On January 20 the Senate approved the so-called security package (DDL 733) and, among others, an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) which is established by Article 50 -a: "Repression activity of apology or instigation to commit a crime carried out via the Internet." The text will become the god article 60. Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) is not part of the majority the government and this speaks volumes about the versatility of the design of the freedom-Casta. In practice, according to this amendment, if any citizen through a blog then call to disobey (or criticize?) To a law that it deems unfair, the 'providers' will block the blog.

This measure may obscure a site anywhere, even abroad, the Minister of the Interior, after notice of the court, may in fact have a decree with the interruption of the activities of bloggers, orders to suppliers connectivity to the Internet to use the appropriate filtering tools necessary for that purpose. The activity of filtering should be set within 24 hours, the breach of that obligation implies the provider a fine of between € 50,000 and € 250,000. For bloggers instead be imprisonment from 1 to 5 years for incitement to murder and
condoning of crime, as well as an additional penalty of 6 months to 5 years for incitement to disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between the social classes.

With this law would be immediately cleaned up the search engines from all the Caste link to uncomfortable. In practice the power is being equipped with weapons in Italy to block Facebook, YouTube and 'all blogs', which currently represent the only in Italy information is not conditioned and / or censored. I remind you that ours is the only country in the world where a 'media company' sued YouTube asking for damages of € 500 million for compensation. The name of this 'media company', as it happens, it's Mediaset.

So the government intervenes for the umpteenth time, in an area which, quite incidentally, an undertaking involving the Prime Minister in a conflict justice and interest. After the bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a commission against piracy and digital media, that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a piece of legislation on this subject, this amendment to the 'security package' in fact it makes explicit the government's project of 'normalization' with the laws of Internet repression and the whole system of reports and information as capillaries that are no longer able to dominate.

Soon we should not be surprised if the informers will be rewarded with vouchers. While in the U.S. Obama has won the election thanks to the Internet, the government is based in Italy with regard to press freedom in China and Burma. Today, the only media that have been bouncing this news blog Beppe Grillo and the trade magazine Computer Point.

should be given the widest possible dissemination of this information to try to awaken sleeping consciences of Italians, for which there is no freedom of information and right to criticize the concept of democracy becomes an issue purely dialectical. (From


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